He may lean in closer when you’re
discussing important topics or nod
when you say something poignant,
showing how much your words mean to
1. Passionate, Long-Lasting Kisses:
Who doesn’t love an excellent, lengthy
kiss? When he’s continuously initiating
these and you can feel the passion each
time he does, it is clear that he’s more
than just a little excited to be around
Who doesn’t love an excellent, lengthy
kiss? When he’s continuously initiating
these and you can feel the passion each
time he does, it is clear that he’s more
than just a little excited to be around
2. His Friends Love You:
If all his buddies are starting to warm
up to you and truly seem to enjoy your
company, it could be because they
know how happy you’re making their
friend — thus making them start to find
you as awesome as he does.
If all his buddies are starting to warm
up to you and truly seem to enjoy your
company, it could be because they
know how happy you’re making their
friend — thus making them start to find
you as awesome as he does.
3. Close Personal Distance:
You know how it’s unnerving when
somebody you’re not interested in gets
close to you? It’s the complete opposite
when someone you adore tends to be
closer in distance than he is to other
You know how it’s unnerving when
somebody you’re not interested in gets
close to you? It’s the complete opposite
when someone you adore tends to be
closer in distance than he is to other
4. Smiling After Kissing:
Sure, you can have a little sweet smile
after kissing someone whose company
you enjoy, but do you ever just feel like
positively beaming when it’s someone
you love? If you catch
him grinning after your kisses all the
time, it’s a great sign that he truly
enjoys your company.
Sure, you can have a little sweet smile
after kissing someone whose company
you enjoy, but do you ever just feel like
positively beaming when it’s someone
you love? If you catch
him grinning after your kisses all the
time, it’s a great sign that he truly
enjoys your company.
5. He Listens Intently:
While he might not be saying much
when it comes to your relationship and
his feelings about it, the fact that he
listens closely when you’re talking is
incredibly significant. He may lean in
closer when you’re discussing important
topics or nod when you say
something poignant, showing how much
your words mean to him.
While he might not be saying much
when it comes to your relationship and
his feelings about it, the fact that he
listens closely when you’re talking is
incredibly significant. He may lean in
closer when you’re discussing important
topics or nod when you say
something poignant, showing how much
your words mean to him.
6. Upright Posture:
Most of us tend to slouch and have
poorer posture than we should.
However, if you’re trying to impress the
person you care about most and want
him or her to be most attracted to you,
you’re going to stand or sit straight up.
Most of us tend to slouch and have
poorer posture than we should.
However, if you’re trying to impress the
person you care about most and want
him or her to be most attracted to you,
you’re going to stand or sit straight up.
7. Hand Squeezing:
I once had a relationship with a guy
who loved holding my hand and would
occasionally squeeze it tightly when we
were cuddling or out with friends, but
hated any other kind of cutesy couple-
like act. I always wondered why he was
so opposed, but then I realized that
every time he squeezed my hand, he
was trying to say, “I love you” in a quiet,
simple way.
I once had a relationship with a guy
who loved holding my hand and would
occasionally squeeze it tightly when we
were cuddling or out with friends, but
hated any other kind of cutesy couple-
like act. I always wondered why he was
so opposed, but then I realized that
every time he squeezed my hand, he
was trying to say, “I love you” in a quiet,
simple way.
8. Calling (Or Texting) For No Reason:
Not all people do this when in love, so
don’t take it personally if he doesn’t.
That said, it’s a sign that he feels
comfortable with you in non-romantic
situations as well as the obvious ones,
and that he’s thinking of you throughout
the day.
Not all people do this when in love, so
don’t take it personally if he doesn’t.
That said, it’s a sign that he feels
comfortable with you in non-romantic
situations as well as the obvious ones,
and that he’s thinking of you throughout
the day.
9. He Sticks Around:
Does he like to do activities together for
no reason? For example, rather than
just wanting to meet up at a dinner
party, he’d rather go grocery shopping
with you beforehand so the two of you
can make a dish to bring together.
Simply doing household things shows
an interest in being closer than just
casual daters or sex partners.
Does he like to do activities together for
no reason? For example, rather than
just wanting to meet up at a dinner
party, he’d rather go grocery shopping
with you beforehand so the two of you
can make a dish to bring together.
Simply doing household things shows
an interest in being closer than just
casual daters or sex partners.
10. Eye Contact Often:
When you’re at a bar with friends, does
he glance across the room just to make
eye contact briefly and smile at one
another? This indicates how, even when
you two are doing different things, he
still wants you to be aware of how much
he cares.
When you’re at a bar with friends, does
he glance across the room just to make
eye contact briefly and smile at one
another? This indicates how, even when
you two are doing different things, he
still wants you to be aware of how much
he cares.
11. Hair Ruffling:
When people are nervous, they tend to
run their fingers through their hair more
often than normal. Does he do this
when the pair of you are in close
proximity to one another and it’s
a romantic moment? If so, it could
show that he wants to say
something intimate but can’t find the
When people are nervous, they tend to
run their fingers through their hair more
often than normal. Does he do this
when the pair of you are in close
proximity to one another and it’s
a romantic moment? If so, it could
show that he wants to say
something intimate but can’t find the
12. Mirrored Behavior:
Does he tend to take bites of his food at
the same time as you or do other things
similarly? He could be displaying
isopraxism, the matching or behaviors
that couples tend to do when becoming
closer together.
Does he tend to take bites of his food at
the same time as you or do other things
similarly? He could be displaying
isopraxism, the matching or behaviors
that couples tend to do when becoming
closer together.
13. Meaningful Gifts:
When I say ‘meaningful,’ I don’t mean
‘expensive’; I mean that he spends effort
and puts serious thought into finding
you something that truly fits your
personality to a T. I had one guy give
me three pairs of socks: one with a
crazy cute pattern, one specifically for
boots and one for high heels. The week
prior, I had gotten a blister on my foot
due to not having thick enough socks
for a pair of boots I had just purchased,
so it was super sweet and a clear
indication of his listening skills that he
When I say ‘meaningful,’ I don’t mean
‘expensive’; I mean that he spends effort
and puts serious thought into finding
you something that truly fits your
personality to a T. I had one guy give
me three pairs of socks: one with a
crazy cute pattern, one specifically for
boots and one for high heels. The week
prior, I had gotten a blister on my foot
due to not having thick enough socks
for a pair of boots I had just purchased,
so it was super sweet and a clear
indication of his listening skills that he
14. Frequent Laughing:
Does he find you funny and can’t help
but giggle when you do something silly?
As odd as it sounds, the more often he
laughs and finds you hilarious, the more
serious the level of interest and
excitement surrounding your
relationship is.
Does he find you funny and can’t help
but giggle when you do something silly?
As odd as it sounds, the more often he
laughs and finds you hilarious, the more
serious the level of interest and
excitement surrounding your
relationship is.
15. Spontaneous Touching:
When you’re in a public place, does he
put his fingers on your back to keep you
close by? Does he hold your hand atop
yours while you two are in a restaurant?
Random closeness via touching shows
that he wants to maintain physical
contact, even when it’s not intimate.
When you’re in a public place, does he
put his fingers on your back to keep you
close by? Does he hold your hand atop
yours while you two are in a restaurant?
Random closeness via touching shows
that he wants to maintain physical
contact, even when it’s not intimate.
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